It started at zero four thirty. Or as it is affectionately known- the ass crack of dawn.  Or as it should be known – the middle of the  night.  As I was turning on the mattress on the floor (surprisingly comfortable, and I woke up blood free) a teeny tiny thought entered into my consciousness.  Where is the showerhead?  Just like that I was awake and thinking about it.  It had been in the hallway outside my room for ages, but then it disappeared.  I couldn’t go into D’s bathroom to see if it was there as she was asleep.  So I lay awake alternately fretting and reassuring myself that noone would have packed it.  At 05:45 I gave up pretending to sleep while thinking about what I needed to do and got up to do it.  I stripped beds, bagged and tagged laundry put everything into groups and labelled it for the correct location. I didn’t kid myself that today wasn’t going to be harder than yesterday.  Today we had stuff going to three separate locations.  The guy had told me that he was going to send a slightly smaller truck and it would go to all three locations. Read the rest of this entry »